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Burkhard Schaefer


Splashlake | Managing Director


data management, interoperability, standards, AnIML, SiLA, compliance, collaboration



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Burkhard Schaefer has been active in the lab informatics community for over 25 years. He is a member of the SiLA Board of Directors and leads the AnIML Task Group at ASTM, and SLAS Fellow. Burkhard earned his computer science diploma at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, and the University of New Mexico. Burkhard held various positions in data management organizations at Los Alamos National Laboratory, NIST, co-founder of BSSN Software, head of core technologies and partnering at MilliporeSigma, and now managing director of Splashlake.


Feel free to search for new and exciting opportunities. Connect with Burkhard Schaefer today.

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