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Jorge Faustino


RCF - Protecting Innovation | Head of the Patents and Designs Dept.


patentability, validity, infringement



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Jorge Faustino (Eng.) is an experient Patent, Design and Trademark Attorney and the Head of the Patents and Designs Dept. at RCF - Protecting Innovation.

Jorge has a strong educational background with a Engineer's degree focused in Mechanical Engineering and a demonstrated history of working with complex inventions, patent drafting and prosection.

His team advises on the protection and prosecution of IP rights, technical analysis of patentability, validity and infringement, state-of-the-art searches and drafting of patent applications and its internationalization and commercialization.

Jorge has been ranked in the most prominent publications globally alongside RCF, namely as Patent Star 2023 by Managing IP and is a member of the Portuguese Association of IP Consultants and the International Federation of IP Attorneys.


Feel free to search for new and exciting opportunities. Connect with Jorge Faustino today.

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